Why Study Medical from Debrecen?

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Khola Afzal

10 min read


Studying medicine in Europe is a dream shared by many individuals worldwide. It is important to make the right choice when choosing a university for your master's. International students often face a tough time when it comes to deciding which university best suits their academic pursuits. Regarding medicinal studies, The University of Debrecen stands out among all other European medical universities. It has the world’s eminent teaching staff, laboratories, and a global student community which aids in building lifelong connections. The living expenditures in Debrecen are also affordable for international students compared to other European cities. In addition, the best part is the university's scholarship opportunities for excellent students.

    Faculty of Medicine

    Initially, there were only four faculties at the University of Debrecen when it was established in 1918. The faculties at that time included Arts, Theology, Science and Medicine. The faculty of medicine was the first campus medical school in Central Europe. The medical program especially stands out for its cutting-edge curriculum, experienced faculty, and advanced equipment available on campus. The university offers exceptional learning experiences for international students that prepare them for future workplace challenges. The University of Debrecen provides numerous programs that are fully instructed in English. The medical school has 22 departments which offer courses in basic sciences and 25 clinical departments.

      Why Study Medicine at the University of Debrecen

      The University of Debrecen is ranked in the 151-200 category for European Teaching Rankings in Times Higher Education (THE). The excellent faculty and their commitment to the provision of quality education make the Debrecen a top pick for international students. Additionally, the medical programs offered by the University of Debrecen have worldwide accreditation. The World Health Organization, the World Federation for Medical Education, and the New York State Education Department have accredited the programs.

        Debrecen's medical school doubles as the city hospital, providing a unique opportunity for advanced students to receive hands-on clinical training. This symbiotic relationship allows students to immerse themselves in various clinical scenarios, enhancing their skills and knowledge. Moreover, the proximity of the medical school to the hospital aids in collaboration between faculty, medical professionals, and students, creating a dynamic learning environment. This holistic approach not only benefits the students but also contributes to the broader healthcare community in Debrecen.

          In addition, the medical school has well-established labs and actively engages in internationally recognized research initiatives in various areas. The University of Debrecen founded the Research Centre for Molecular Medicine with the participation of the world’s leading research labs. The lab focuses on exploring basic science in a very advanced way and using that science to solve real-world problems. In 2003, the European Commission awarded the Center the title Centre of Excellence.

            Medicine, Full-time Graduate Program

            The University of Debrecen offers a six-year medical degree comprising 12 semesters. The qualification awarded to graduates is “Doctor of Medicine”. The certificate awarded verifies the medical degree, abbreviated as dr. med. (M.D.). The medical program at University of Debrecen reflects the excellence of the teaching staff and the commitment of the Faculty of Medicine, based on the well-established standards of medical education. The goal of the faculty of medicine is to equip the students with theoretical knowledge, and professional and medical skills. The graduates of the Faculty of Medicine exhibit a strong commitment to empathetic care and service. The graduates have the knowledge and skills to advance to postgraduate specialization.

              Dentistry, Full-time Graduate Program

              The Dentistry program at the University of Debrecen comprises ten semesters. The qualification awarded after the degree is “Dentist”, the certificate verifies a dental degree, abbreviated as dr. med. dent. (D.M.D.). The five-year dentistry program precisely ensures a high standard of knowledge and skills in students. The profession requires high motor skills to work with hand and electrical instruments. The focus of the program is to inculcate these skills in students. The program also trains the students how to proficiently deal with patients and exhibit professional doctor behavior.

                Pharmacy; Full-time Graduate Program

                The Pharmacy program comprises ten semesters. Pharm.D.” The certificate is a document verifying the Doctor of Pharmacy degree. The program equips the students with the understanding and skills essential to improve the patient’s health. The degree delves into the pharmacological and pharmaceutical properties of medical substances and drugs. The graduates of the program can work in pharmacies, laboratories, research institutes, pharmaceutical companies, and health maintenance organizations.

                  Career Prospects

                  When choosing a degree or program, the students always explore the employability of the program and the career opportunities it has to offer. The graduates have a 100% employment rate. Graduates of Medicine and Dentistry have the necessary skills to pursue a career in hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities. Medical Graduates of the University of Debrecen receive another advantage: the University of Debrecen helps its graduates prepare for the United Kingdom Medical Licensing Assessment (UKMLA). It is a requirement for international students to clear UKMLA to practice medicine in the UK. In addition to this, several graduates from the Debrecen are excelling in their careers as researchers or educators.


                    The University of Debrecen offers exceptional opportunities for international students seeking a quality medical education in Europe. With its renowned faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and globally accredited programs, it stands as a top choice for aspiring medical professionals. The university's commitment to providing an inclusive learning environment, combined with its affordable education, makes it an ideal destination for aspiring medical students.

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