Exploring the Hungarian Education System

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Amina Jamil

12 min read


As times have passed, education abroad has become more & more enchanting for international students. Thus, the quality, affordability, compatibility, and international recognition of educational degrees have become the center of attention as well. In all this chaos there are very less affordable and compatible European Areas for International students from developing countries. Luckily! One of them is Hungary!

    Brief Historical Overview

    The emblematic beginning of the Hungarian Education System was manifested in 996 by the establishment of Monasteries in Pannonia by Prince Geza. As the centuries passed, a rapid decline of the illiteracy rate was reported after the Act of 1868 on elementary school education reporting 64% of illiteracy during 1870 to a prominent decline of 33% of illiteracy in 1910. Since then, massive advances have occurred in the Hungarian Education System at primary, secondary & higher education levels. Undoubtedly, the attractive location of Hungary! The Land of Waters attracts thousands of international students to achieve academic brilliance and progressive careers globally.

      In today's blog, we’ll help you familiarize yourself with the Hungarian Education System & its interesting aspects, that will make it impossible for you to let go of the opportunity to study and settle in Hungary.

        The Levels of the Hungarian Education System

        The Ministry of Human Resources runs the educational system of Hungary and it is primarily public. Pre-school is mandatory for children from ages 3-6 years at the kindergarten level, here they receive specialized day-care & basic education preparing them for school. Then, primary & lower secondary education covers grades 1-8. After primary education, there are three types of schools for children to continue their education at the secondary level for 4 years. Firstly, a Gymnasium or general secondary school enrolls the most extraordinary students preparing them for university. Secondly, Vocational secondary schools last until intermediate. Thirdly, Vocational schools provide students with vocational education and the world of work. Graduates from vocational schools can also enroll in a two-year program to have access to vocational higher education. According to The Trends in International Mathematics & Science Study, “13–14-year-old students in Hungary are rated as the Best in the World of Mathematics & Science”.

          Higher Education in Hungary

          Hungary has been a member of the European Higher Education Area and Bologna Process since 1999. The European Higher Education Area was launched in March 2010 during the Budapest-Vienna Ministerial Conference at the anniversary of the Bologna process, comprising the key objective of a coherent, comparable, and compatible higher education in Europe.

            Hungary’s higher education system provides students with graduation, master's & doctoral degrees along with research opportunities marking Hungarian Universities compatible with international educational standards & internationally accredited.

              Hungary provides free health insurance to its students, which is no less than a blessing for someone who has traveled from afar and distant country to a strange place. Moreover, English & German languages are compulsory for most Hungarian Universities.

                Universities & Fields of Discipline in Hungary

                There are over 67 higher education institutes in Hungary, maintained by state, private organizations, or churches. Hungarian universities provide education in the fields of Medicine, engineering, social sciences, arts, computer sciences, and a vast number of emerging disciplines. Higher education is based on three cycles in Hungary firstly leading to a bachelor's degree (3 years) then a Master's (2 years) and post-grad. Moreover, Hungarian universities also offer one-tier programs, where bachelor’s & masters degrees are blended consisting of 10-12 semesters. Fields of study related to these programs are medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary, architecture, law & few other programs related to art.

                  European Credit Transfer System

                  The common credit transfer system & accumulation system of European higher education institutions are used by Hungarian Universities. The European credit transfer system credits are the numerical values assigned based on the workload required to complete a course. According to this system, 30 ECTS credits are given for 6 months & consequently, 60 ECTS credits are given for 1 year. ECTS credit points are allocated to lectures, practical work, seminars, lab work, exams, assessments, and sometimes to work placements & thesis preparation.

                    Educational Affordability in Hungary

                    International students are entitled to pay tuition fees at both Public & Private universities, but surprisingly these fees are much lower than other Western-European Universities, and they are over 10,000 Euros per year. Tuition fees among Hungarian Universities in the field of business or social sciences cost about 4000-6000 Euros per year, also the fees may be slightly greater for engineering and art programs. Finally, medicine and dentistry can range between 8000-10,000 Euros per year. But, the important thing to remember is that these fees will be exponentially higher in other countries in comparison to Hungary.

                      Scholarships in Hungary

                      The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship is one of the excellent academic advantages to international students, offered by Hungarian Higher Education. This scholarship is awarded to the most dynamic and excellent international students covering all degree levels. Hungarian Stipendium Scholarships include provisions such as tuition free education, monthly stipend (110 Euro for bachelor, master & one tier and 365-470 Euro for post-doctoral), free accommodation, and medical insurance. Besides, Hungary also provides international students with the Erasmus+ programs which are funded by the European Union. With this exchange program, students receive 470 to 520 Euro fixed scholarships per month participating in one or two semesters at European partner universities. There is another program Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility, enabling students to undergo training abroad & earn 570 to 620 Euro per month other than earning from the company providing training.

                        Why You Should Study in Hungary

                        • Affordable tuition fees and living costs in Central Europe.
                        • Easier admission process and fewer documents required to obtain admission.
                        • Many scholarships for international students.
                        • Low cost of accommodation for students as compared to other European countries.
                        • Education programs are taught in English or German.
                        • Employment opportunities in the European Union during education years and after graduation.


                        Is Hungary a good country for education?

                        Hungary provides education at lower financial expenses as compared to other European Countries, but the quality of higher education is up to the European Higher Education & Bologna process making it equally compatible, coherent, and comparable to higher education of other European Countries.

                          Does Hungary offer free education?

                          Hungarian Universities require students to pay admission fees, exam fees, and registration fees in addition to tuition fees. However, it is up to both Public & Private Universities whether they take the same fee from European and non-European students. Moreover, there are a large number of scholarships available in Hungarian Universities for international students.

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