Can You Work While Studying Abroad in Hungary?

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Khola Afzal

15 min read


Can You Work While Studying Abroad in Hungary?

Can you work while studying abroad in Hungary? This question pops up in the minds of every student planning to study abroad. Over 70% of international students find part-time jobs to support their studies.

    When narrowing down the countries, many students look for opportunities for better work while studying abroad. And the countries which have these prospects make it attractive in the international community.

      Hungary offers a high quality of life with affordable living costs. The country welcomes international students as well as foreigners. Some students want to work part-time during their education, and others want to gain invaluable experience during summer break. Hungary offers opportunities to both types of students.

        Can You Work While Studying Abroad in Hungary?

        Yes, you can do part-time work while studying abroad in Hungary. If you know the Hungarian language or are fluent in English, you will easily find a part-time job in Hungary. Students can work around 4 hours per day during the course period, and you can work full-time on vacations.

          If you only have general skills, you can also easily find a job in Hungary. Students can work in bars, shops, and restaurants as part-time workers and receive a reasonable amount of salary. They can also find internships in their universities or related to their field that will pay them a reasonable amount.

            Working Hours in Hungary

            As an international student in Hungary, you can work around 30 hours per week. If you are a third-country national living in Hungary for education, you may require a mobility certificate. This certificate will allow you to engage in full-time occupational activity during your term. The certificate enables you to work ninety days beyond your term, such as on vacations.

              Such employment contracts will only last till your residence permit for studies is valid. You also require a tax identification and TAJ number to work in Hungary.

                Job Opportunities for the Students

                Your next question would be what kind of jobs you can get as a student in Hungary. Here is a list of students looking to work while studying abroad in Hungary.

                • Call center
                • Administration (in the financial field)
                • Light physical work
                • Food delivery
                • Tutoring

                In Hungary, students might consider working in customer support roles, where they help answer questions and solve problems. Another option is to work in office settings, assisting with tasks related to finances and paperwork. Some jobs involve light manual functions for those who prefer something more hands-on. Additionally, delivering food is flexible, allowing students to work on their schedules. These roles can provide valuable skills and experience while fitting into a student's busy life.

                  Working in Hungary as a Student

                  In Hungary, you can work part-time during your studies or during your summer break to manage your finances. Students will also gain invaluable experiences that will help them after their graduation.

                    One of the best things about working in Hungary as a student is that employers have flexible timings for part-time workers. They are considerate and offer students to work four to six hours daily.

                      How to Find a Job

                      Finding a job while studying in Hungary is often considered daunting. However, it is not a horror story if you have an idea before starting the process.

                        Students can find a job by directly approaching employers, looking for jobs around the campus, or applying to job centers.

                          If the students aim for office jobs or paid internships, they should have the proper cover letter and CV. Students should update their resumes or CVs before applying. The resume should complement the job requirements and portray themselves as what they need.

                            The students should also have a LinkedIn profile. Many employers in Hungary are searching for the right employee or intern for their company on LinkedIn. It is a powerful tool for connecting employers and employees.

                              Work Permit

                              To work in Hungary, you will have to check whether you need a work permit. If you belong to the EEA state, there is no limitation regarding the working hours, and you will not need a registration card.

                                However, suppose you belong to a country that is not a part of the European Union. In that case, you will need a ninety-day resident permit or sixty-six working days.


                                  Working while studying abroad is a common concern for many students, and Hungary offers a range of opportunities to balance both. With the ability to work part-time during their studies and full-time during vacations, students can effectively manage their finances and gain valuable experience. Hungary provides flexible job options that fit your academic schedule, whether you're interested in customer support, office administration, light manual work, or food delivery.

                                    Additionally, internships related to your field of study can offer both financial benefits and professional experience. To navigate the job market successfully, having an updated resume and a LinkedIn profile and understanding the work permit requirements are essential. By taking advantage of these opportunities, you can support yourself financially while enhancing your skills and making the most of your time studying abroad in Hungary.

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